What’s In Your Hand?

We all have something that makes our hearts beat with purpose. Giving. Doing. Fixing. Sending. Going. Creating. Organizing. God crafted us to deliver a unique package of compassion, purpose, and light into our specific areas of influence. I love that our God only asks for things we have within our capabilities. We have a unique and valuable skill set to offer God.

As a Pastor's wife, one of my favorite Jesus-assignments is pulling from the lovely skills-sets on the pews around me. Using our unique abilities to build the Kingdom of God is powerful. The supernatural happens when we open our pantry of skills and begin using them to make Christ known.

What has God placed in your hands?  Let's consider Moses. In Exodus 4:2, the Lord asked him, "What is that in your hand?”  At that moment, Moses had a simple shepherd's staff and a heart to follow God and serve his people. He did not have the water needed to quench his people's thirst. Instead, Moses had a staff that history tells us recorded a chronicle of God's deeds carved into it. He gave his stick as if saying I know what you have done for me in the past; would you do it again? Throughout the Bible, God has a beautiful pattern of using whatever a person possesses to bring about a miracle or change a situation. For Moses, he got to see his people drink the water they craved because of his act of obedience and faith.

Who is waiting to drink from the rock of your obedience?  For Lori Dzojko, God asked, "What do you have in your hand?"  Lori's answer was a small bread baking passion and hobby that she had shared with friends and loved ones but no one else. When our PennDel Women's Director, Liz Defrain, shared the need for Project Rescue to bring hope and life to girls born into sex slavery in India, Lori offered what she had: an ability to bake beautiful artisan bread. She created a local bread campaign and is offering the proceeds of all her bread sales to our PennDelWomen's offering to Project Rescue.  

Lori's sourdough bread baking journey is a "new adventure" of faith. Her obedience will enable Project Rescue to provide a safe place for young girls to call home and offer the love of Christ to heal their hearts and give them a future. Lori's offering does something else. She challenges and inspires PennDel Women to search our hearts and offer what God has placed in our hands. A supernatural offering for Project Rescue in November begins now: one act of obedience and faith at a time. Our creative God will help us search for ways to participate in this effort.  

 If you would like to inspire others with your fundraising efforts or ideas, please contact our office and, like Lori Dzojko, share your adventure and act of faith so others may drink. Whether you are hosting a fundraiser dinner, baking cakes, cleaning homes, or sharing giving-opportunities with your colleagues, we are praying and believing that God will bless your efforts. Together, we will see His supernatural work in November as we bring our offerings together. As Hebrews 10:24 says, "Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works."

Christy English

Christy serves as the Missions Specialist for PennDel Women. She wants to be a resource for women's leaders to help develop their church's mission strategy. She is passionate about promoting PennDel home and foreign mission projects and is ready to help train women and teams for missions. Christy is a pastor with her husband, Mark, at Christian Life Center (CLC) in Bensalem, PA.


Fashioned to Wait


I shall not die, but live