There’s always something to talk about!
Join us online to connect and be inspired!

Join this short 10-minute interaction with Charisse Jenkins, the incoming PennDel Network Women’s Director. She connects with you live and gives a short encouraging word to start off and focus the week. Every Monday on PennDel Women Facebook live. Charisse loves interacting live with the online viewers so make sure you say hello in the chat so she can talk directly to you.

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Join this short less-than-10-minute devotional video with a member of the PennDel Women Dream Team. She will dive into a bible verse or story and share what it means personally to her and how it changes the way we can live life daily. This is a great way to get to know the heart of the women on the PennDel Women Team, and to have an encouraging word to inspire your spirit and think back to throughout your day. This is the perfect way for you to comment and interact live with women from around the district andon the PDW Team. Every Wednesday at 8:30A.M. on PennDel Women Facebook.


This is an episode series, including four episodes per year, that will drop quarterly. Each episode will be 30 minutes long with several women from the dream team from different generations and backgrounds discussing today's hot topics. We will cover a wide range of relevant topics.

How to navigate fruitful friendships? Do you really need a mentor? What to do with your enemies? Should Christians even have those? What does dating even mean in this world? How do you stay sexually pure? How to have a marriage that reflects the way Christ loves the church? How do you connect with different generations? What do you do when the church burns you? What to do with gossiping women not just in the lunchroom, but in the church lobby? How do we deal with body image in a culture that promotes idealistic and unrealistic images online? How do we ever say no to things? Is balance even possible? Feel free to let us know topics that interest you!

Join online courses we offer periodically, to strengthen and grow as a leader in both ministry and your workplace. These courses will be dropped throughout the year and are led by different experts in their field. Sit from the comforts of your own home, or gather with a few women that want to grow with you, and glean from specialists in their unique niche. Engage with their resources so you can apply them to how God is calling you to be a dynamic, effective, and inspiring leader in your sphere of influence.

"Leadership is not about titles, positions, or flowcharts. It is about one life influencing another." John C.Maxwell

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.”-Hebrews12:1