Say Hi to Charisse Jenkins


Hear from Charisse:

She is passionate about the Word, worship, and prayer. And it shows in everything she does. Charisse Jenkins is a certified minister with the Assemblies of God. She has served on the PennDel Women Dream Team for the last five years. She represents the Southwest Metro section, living in the south of Pittsburgh. Charisse believes women's ministry creates a space for spiritual growth, accountability, and fun! Her heart breaks for women who negate the power of the cross in their life and do not walk in the freedom Christ paid for. When women come alongside one another in Christ, they can help each other learn their true God-given identity and authority.


Charisse accepted Christ at five years old in her home church, Central AG, in Houston, Pa. Then, at the age of seven, as she stood on the platform of her church, singing her heart out to Jesus, He called her into ministry. She was saved, called, baptized, and married here. And now, she pastors on staff with her husband, Kurt, the lead pastor. She remembers, "The night of my call, the Lord spoke, giving direction for my entire future right there in my church." She leads worship every week from the very place the Lord called her. "It's a beautiful and unique gift to serve in the place that has served me so well. Even though I lead, I keep my heart as a servant first," Charisse says. She is now raising her daughter and three sons, where she once ran as a child.

 Charisse is a wife, mother, pastor, pastor's wife, worship leader, teacher, speaker, and writer. She loves helping others see the beauty and need of scripture in their lives through her writing and speaking. Her time spent in the classroom, in children and youth ministries establishes a desire to be a resource on motherhood both at the natural and spiritual levels. Her administrative and creative side allows her to apply her gifts to all things design. "I love to observe the intricacies of the Lord's creation. Crayola has nothing on God! All creativity is His, and I can draw from His vast bank of ideas to implement into areas of design and structure for my home and ministries." Charisse uses her talent to organize just about anything. She creates spaces that are beautiful, calming, and inspiring. She continues, "Design isn't just colors and structures, but it's the way we build ideals and systems. I love how the facets intertwined will become holy when joined with the fellowship of His love. Design pulls things together with purpose. So, whether it is a song, a blog, an event, or even a meal, the implementation of the idea when committed to the Lord, has a perfected outcome. And because all creativity is His to begin with, He gets all the credit!" 


Charisse wishes she had known when first pursuing God's calling on her life that "things take time." We must not despise small beginnings and learn to bloom where we are planted. In her current stage of life, knowing she isn't as young as she once was, Charisse has purposed to finish her race well! She strives for excellence. "God's excellence is the benchmark for everything I do."

The best advice she has been given and truly lives by is: "All things by prayer." Charisse takes everything before the Lord. She is a prayer warrior for her family, church, district, and the people around her. She moves the Kingdom forward through her love letters to God. A defining moment in her walk with Christ was learning to create a "prayer closet" space in her life. "Even if it is a mobile closet, don't compromise that space and time! Because on that foundation of prayer, everything else is built." She wishes she could tell her younger self, "Don't worry about it." Committing "all things by prayer" keeps one focused on the Father and not on circumstances. God gives strength for today with bright hope for tomorrow. Charisse has seen the great faithfulness of the Lord play out time and time again in her life.


As for her favorites, Charisse has a big sweet tooth, with chocolate at the top of the list! She always checks the dessert menu first when enjoying an evening out to dinner! She is currently reading "Teach us to Pray" by Corey Russell and "Ageless" by Maria Durso. Her favorite book, however, is the Bible. Charisse enjoys cooking and sets a beautiful table for her husband and four teenagers, who are all passionate about the Lord.


She adores hanging out with her kids. She loves spending time with her handsome husband, whom, after 20 years of marriage, she is still head-over-heels in love with. Yet, despite Charisse's platform surrounded by people and her constant heart to stay connected, she is an introvert. After an incredibly packed week of ministry and family events, you will find her going off to spend time alone with the Lord. This is where she finds her fuel. This is her sweet place. This is how she can accomplish all she does and pour out in so many areas. It is because she continually goes back to the well.


You can best reach her at


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