
Mary approached the garden. Her heart was heavy and her pace slowed by the grief and confusion carried within her heart. How could death bind the One who freed her? Didn’t He say that He would rise? Her mind and soul, though full of unanswered questions and heavy sorrow, felt hollow and…


Out of duty for the deceased, she found herself carrying spices and oils to tend to the body. Something she had done just a week prior to bless Jesus. This time, her shoulders were not squared with confidence or determination. This time, her body ached pulling her frame forward as she journeyed to the burial site.  

One week before, Mary had just poured out her alabaster jar containing of a year’s worth of salary over Jesus until it was…


She reserved nothing for herself. In a room full of watchful men, she, a woman knowing her true place, still boldly knelt at her Master’s feet and bathed Him in honor. Shortly thereafter, He poured out His life for not only her but all of mankind. For you. For me. For, He was emptied so that we could be filled with an abundant life. 

With each step that morning in the garden, she wiped tears from her tired face. And though there were swirls of thoughts, they lacked structure and only disappeared by the heaving from within. 

As she approached the tomb where they had laid her Lord, the large stone was removed, and an angel greeted her. In her mirage of immediate emotions, she dropped the bottle of oil as it shattered at her feet. The tomb was…


…but truly it was so very full. 

FULL of the presence of the living God! 
FULL of power!
FULL of victory!
FULL of joy!

Mary experienced an empty life before Christ freed her. Like a gauge reading on a tank, the needle of her heart read empty.  Her life reflected a place void of complete healing and salvation until Jesus provided a way from barren desolation to lavish bounty. When she found the empty tomb, once again the needle of her heart read moved from fear and lack to….


The Kingdom of God doesn’t operate as the kingdom of the world. 
The EMPTY tomb gives us a FULL life. 
His blood cleanses us. 
The lost are found. 
Blind, see. 
The same power that raised Christ from the dead lives in you and me. 

You get to live the FULL life because the tomb was EMPTY. 
And here, just days after the most celebrated holiday of our faith, are you living, walking, breathing, operating out of the abundance and full life in Christ? Easter, for us as believers, is everyday. 

My life and heart are full because the tomb was…


If you have not made the most important decision ever to accept Jesus as your Savior, why wait?! Today can be your day of salvation. Romans 10:9 (ERV) encourages you, “If you openly say, “Jesus is Lord” and believe in your heart that God raised him from death, you will be saved.”
Simply pray out loud, “I believe you, Jesus, are the son of God, the resurrected Christ. I know I am a sinner in need of a Savior. My life is empty without you. Please come and fill it with your love, grace, and presence! Amen!”

If you prayed this prayer for the first time or as a recommitment, please know all of Heaven is throwing a party in your honor! Will you email our office so we can rejoice with you too? 

**This writing is based on the beauty and perfection of scripture (Matt 28:1-10, Mark 16:1-8, Luke 24:1-12, John 20:1-18), with creative implementations. Allow its imagery to help make the life-giving story of Christ’s resurrection bring you hope and salvation! From empty to full!


Charisse Jenkins


Charisse Jenkins is a bold follower of Christ. She is a wife to her best friend Kurt, a mother to four dynamic children, pastor, pastor's wife, worship leader, author and speaker. She is passionate in prayer and worship, and loves to read the Word. Her desire is to see people walking in their true freedom purchased by Jesus' blood. She loves pretty things and has a big sweet tooth!


Captivated by Compassion


Sharing His Cross at Easter