Captivated by Countenance

When Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tablets of the covenant law in his hands, he was not aware that his face was radiant because he had spoken with the Lord.” Exodus 34:29

Meeting face-to-face makes a difference. While technology has come a long way providing tools to allow us to communicate at a distance - even by video, it does not truly replace the connections and understanding that is more effectively communicated when you are face to face. Meeting face-to-face promotes relationships promotes engagement, strengthens emotional ties, more clearly communicates ideas, limits outside distractions, and has a host of other benefits to those who are meeting. Being seen, heard, known, and sharing in experiences and thoughts with others promotes community, which is so important. 

Think about having a call with your best friend. Maybe you’re on the phone and catching up with all the things that life has thrown at you these days, all the while, cleaning your house, doing the dishes, folding the laundry, or maybe going shopping. Keeping those connections is so important. But, better still, think about the difference when you sit with your best friend face-to-face. Maybe you’re sitting outside enjoying the sunshine and drinking your favorite coffee or tea. There is something different when you leave each other at the end of that time. There is value in the face-to-face connection, and it can be seen and felt as you go about your day. You feel contented as you part ways with promises to meet up again soon and to stay intouch. Something will change in your countenance. Physiologically, when you have that face-time with a friend it triggers endorphins like oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin (otherwise referred to as your feel good hormones). Fun fact: release of these hormones act as mood boosters, stress relievers, and can help relieve pain. I think of Proverbs 17:22, “A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones.” Facetime promotes health in our life. Science goes as far to say that sharing time with our friends not only promotes our health, but also extends our life. 

Now, let us meet face-to-face with God. In Exodus 33, we read how Moses met with God face-to-face and spoke with God as with a friend. The people around Moses knew when He had been with God. In Exodus 33, they saw the cloud come down over the tent where Moses would meet with Him, and in Exodus 34, when Moses came down from his time with God with the Ten Commandments, His face was radiant. 

May our time with God light up our countenance so that when we encounter people in our day-to-day, they can see God when they look at us. May we behold Him and continually be captivated by his countenance. 

“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.” Numbers 6:24-26 

Brittany Ketter

Brittany is a writer, speaker, and passionate follower of Jesus. A 2013 graduate of Victory School of Ministry, Brittany serves in various areas of leadership in ministry and business, pouring into the next generation. She desires to encourage, empower, and embolden a generation of women who are wholeheartedly devoted to God.


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