Captivated by Confetti Blessings

As a little girl, one of my favorite moments of the year was when my friends and family would gather to celebrate my birthday. Adorned in a plastic birthday tiara, I would smile from ear to ear as they sang “Happy Birthday” to me before I blew out the candles.

For a child, celebrations are captivating. The balloons, confetti, and fanfare of the day are enthralling and breathtaking. But somehow when we become an adult, the excitement fades and the fascination disappears. For some reason, when people sing “Happy Birthday” to us, our ear-to-ear smile vanishes and becomes a sheepish, embarrassed smirk. The spark in our eye and the sparkle in our tiara both become dim.

However, Psalm 118:24 reminds us that adults and children alike have a reason to celebrate!

“This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it!”

What day does Scripture instruct us to celebrate? This day! The one that we are in right now!

Sometimes, though, it is difficult to find a reason to rejoice. Anxiety, pain, and busyness overtake us. We forget to celebrate the beautiful gift of today.

The other week, I was at my favorite local coffee shop, and the barista asked me, “Brooke, what has been one simple joy from your week so far?” I knew that I should have been able to rattle off an entire list of things I was grateful for that week. But, after a long pause, I struggled to come up with a single one. I blurted out the first thing that came to my mind, but as I got in my car afterward, I had to pause. I was reminded of all the simple joys within the week that I had overlooked:  celebrating my grandfather’s 82nd birthday, hearing my 8-month-old niece giggle with joy, and enjoying a date night with my husband, just to name a few.

I had forgotten to celebrate the gift of today. This was the day that the Lord had handcrafted for me. And yet, I hadn’t taken the time to rejoice or be glad in it. The Lord had sprinkled blessings upon me like confetti, but in the hustle and bustle of life, I had missed them.

Our heavenly Father has given us the ultimate gift – the gift of salvation. But sometimes, as we become spiritual adults, our excitement fades and our fascination disappears. Psalm 51:12 offers a prayer for when we lose this fervor: “Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.”

So, my friend, put on your sparkly birthday tiara and start singing “Happy Birthday!” You have been born again in Christ – and that is worth celebrating!

Don’t miss the confetti of blessings that the Lord has showered upon you. Today is a gift from heaven. Let’s rejoice and be glad in it!


Where is Your Faith?

